Learn Chinese HSK
HSK training materials
The site my-hsk.com presents a large amount of materials to prepare for the Chinese HSK exam. You can download materials to prepare for yourself on your computer or use them on the website online.
HSK trial tests
Before passing the Chinese language exam, it is strongly recommended that you pass as many trial tests as possible to develop your skills and strengthen your knowledge. In addition, the tests help to replenish the vocabulary necessary for passing the exam. On this page we have collected all the available HSK test tests (also called mock tests). You can find out more about the HSK exam here and the passing process here Below are all the levels of the exam, just select the required and proceed to the tests!
All files are original, in pdf format. Listening is in mp3 format. Also, the entire test can be downloaded in the zip archive. Unfortunately, there is no listening for some options. If you have missing files, or any questions / suggestions, write! [email protected]