150 Sentences for Chinese Daily Communication

(hàn yǔ rì cháng huì huà 150 jù)
150 Sentences for Chinese Daily Communication


你好(nǐ hǎo) Hello            

再见(zài jiàn) Goodbye

谢谢(xiè xiè)!Thanks        

不客气(bú kè qì) You’re welcome!

对不起(duì bu qǐ) I am sorry     

没关系(méi guān xi) Don’t mention it.


 Greetings and Self-Introduction 

(1)你好(nǐ hǎo)!  Hello!

(2)我叫桑德兰(wǒ jiào sāng dé lán)。     My name is Sandra.

(3)你是哪国人(nǐ shì nǎ guó rén)?       What’s your nationality?

(4)我是奥地利人(wǒ shì àodìlì rén)。     I am Austrian.

(5)我不是大学生(wǒ bú shì dàxuéshēng)。

I am not a university student.

(6)我不会说汉语(wǒ bú huì shuō hànyǔ)。    

I don’t speak Chinese.

(7)我会说英语(wǒ huì shuō yīngyǔ)。        I can speak English.

(8)我喜欢吃中国菜(wǒ xǐhuan chī zhōngguócài)。        

I like Chinese food.

(9)你是第一次来深圳吗?(nǐ shì dì yī cì lái Shēnzhèn ma)?

Is this your first time in Shenzhen?

(10)你去过香港吗?(nǐ qù guò xiānggǎng ma)?      

Have you been to Guang An

(11)你住哪里(nǐ zhù nǎli)?              Where do you live?

(12)可以告诉我你的电话号码吗(kěyǐ gàosù wǒ nǐ de diànhuà háomǎ ma)?

Could you tell me your telephone number?

(13)我的电话是(wǒ de diànhuà shì)60728915。

My telephone number is 60728915.

(13)认识你很高兴(rènshi nǐ hěn gāoxìng)。

I’m pleased to meet you.

(14)我也很高兴(wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng)。再见(zàijiàn)!

I’m pleased to meet you, too. Bye!

2点菜和结帐(diǎncài hé jiézhàng)

 Ordering Dishes & Paying the Bill

(1)你们吃什么(nǐmen chī shénme)?What would you like to eat?

(2)有西兰花吗(yǒu xīlánhuā ma)?        Do you have broccoli?

(3)这里面是什么(zhè lǐmiàn shì shénme)?    What’s inside?

(4)要这个(yào zhège)。                I want this (one).

(5)要两瓶啤酒(yào liǎng píng píjiǔ),三碗米饭(sān wǎn mǐfàn)。

I would like two bottles of beer and three bowls of rice.

(6)米饭跟菜一起上(mǐfàn gēn cài yìqǐ shàng)。

I would like to have the dishes served along with the rice.

(7)还要什么(hái yào shénme)?          Anything else?

(8)就要这些(jiù yào zhèxiē)。            That is all I want.

(9)不要了(bú yào le)。             I don’t want anything else.

(10)我们不吃肉(wǒmen bú chīròu)。      We don’t eat meat.

(11)再来一瓶可乐(zài lái yī ping kělè)!      One more cola, please!

(12)请等一下儿(qǐng děng yíxiàr)。      Wait a minute, please.

(13)买单(mǎi dān)!                 The bill, please!

(14)要发票(yào fāpiào)。              I would like a receipt.

(15)可以打包吗(kěyǐ dǎbāo ma)?

Can you pack the leftover food for me?

3买东西(mǎi dōngxī)


(1)您要买什么(nín yào mǎi shénme)? 

What would you like (to buy)?

(2)我看看(wǒ kànkan)。              I’m just having a look.

(3)这个多少钱(zhège duōshǎo qián)?      How much is this?

(4)打折吗(dǎzhé ma)?              Is there any discount?

(5)太贵了(tài guì le)!                    It’s too expensive!

(6)便宜一点儿行吗(piányi yìdiǎnr xíng ma)?    

Could you give me a reduction?

(7)是不是真丝的(shì bu shì zhēnsī de)?         Is it pure silk?

(8)有大一点儿的吗(yǒu dà yìdiǎnr de ma)?      

Do you have a larger one?

(9)还有别的颜色吗(háiyǒu biéde yánsè ma)?

Do you have it in any other colors?

(10)你穿多大的(nǐ chuān duōdà de)?     What size do you take?

(11)有没有更好的(yǒu meiyǒu gènghǎo de)?   

Have you get a nicer one?

(12)能换一个吗(néng huàn yígè ma)?      

Could you let me see another one?

(13)这是什么材料做的(zhè shì shénme cáiliào zuò de)?    

What is made of?

(14)我喜欢这条裤子(wǒ xǐhuan zhè tiáo kùzǐ)。   I like this trouser.

(15)可以试试吗(kěyǐ shìshì ma)?              May I try it on?

4.打车(dǎ chē)                        

 Take a taxi

(1)你要去哪里(nǐ yào qù nǎli)?           Where are you going?

(2)去超市(qù chāoshì)。           I’m going to supermarket.

(3)请开一下后备箱(qǐng kāi yíxià hòubèixiāng)。

Please open the trunk

(4)你知道怎么去深圳大学吗(nǐ zhīdào zěnme qù Shēnzhèn dàxué ma)?

Do you know how to get to the Shenzhen University?

(5)请快一点(qǐng kuài yìdiǎn)。        Please go a little faster.

(6)我有急事(wǒ yǒu jíshì)。                  I’m in a hurry

(7)请你不要太快,我害怕(qǐng nǐ bú yào tài kuài,wǒ hàipà)。

Please don’t go too fast, I’m scared.

(8)大概要多长时间(dàgài yào duōcháng shíjiān)?

Roughly how long does it take?

(9)四点能到吗(sìdiǎn néng dào ma)?Can we arrive by 4 o’clock?

(10)你能停一下吗(nǐ néng tíng yíxià ma)? 

Can you stop for a short while?

(11)你能等我十分钟吗(nǐ néng děng wǒ shí fēnzhōng ma)?

Can you wait for me about 10 minutes?

(12)你有一块钱吗(nǐ yǒu yíkuài qián ma)?So you have one Yuan?

(13)去飞机场多少钱(qù fēijīchǎng duōshǎo qián)?

How much does it cost to get to the airport?

(14)到了,下车吧!(dào le,xiàchē ba)

Here we are. You may get out.

(15)对不起(duìbuqǐ),我没带零钱(wǒ méi dài língqián)。

Sorry, I do not have any small change on me.


Asking for Directions.

(1)请问(qǐng wèn),邮局在哪里(yóujú zài nǎli)?

Excuse me, where is the post office?

(2) 怎么去购物公园(zěnme qù gòuwù gōngyuán)?

How do we get to the Shopping Park?

(3)洗手间在什么地方(xǐshǒujiān zài shénme dìfāng)?

Where is the restroom?

(4)这儿附近有饭馆吗(zhèr fùjìn yǒu fànguǎn ma)?

Are there any restaurants near here?

(5)哪儿有网吧(nǎr yǒu wǎngbā)?

Where can we find an Internet bar?

(6)哪儿可以发传真(nǎr kěyǐ fā chuánzhēn)?   

Where can I send a fax?

(7)去书城怎么走(qù shū chéng zěnme zǒu)?

How can I get to Book City?

(8)这趟车去不去机场(zhè tàng chē qù bú qù jīchǎng)?

Does this bus go to airport?

(9)向前走(xiàng qián zǒu)。            Go straight ahead.

(10)往左拐(wǎng zuǒ guǎi)。                  Turn left.

(11)你得去马路对面上车(nǐ děi qù mǎlù duìmiàn shàngchē)。

You have to cross the road to take the bus。

(12)这是什么地方(zhè shì shénme dìfāng)?What place is this?

(13)我们现在在哪里(wǒmen xiànzài zài nǎli)?Where are we now?

(14)这边还是那边(zhèbiān háishì nàbiān)?         

This side or the other side? 

(15) 去火车站在哪里下车(qù huǒ chē zhàn zài nǎli xiàchē)?

Where do I get off for train Station?

6.问时间(wèn shíjiān)  

 Asking the Time

(1)现在几点(xiànzài jǐ diǎn)?        What time is it now?

(2)今天几号(jīntiān jǐ hào)?          What is the date today?

(3)明天星期几(míngtiān xīngqī jǐ)?    What day is tomorrow?

(4)你什么时候有空(nǐ shénme shíhòu yǒukòng)?

When do you have free time?

(5)周末我没有时间(zhōumò wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān)。

I do not have free time at the weekend.

(6)你们从几点到几点上班(nǐmen cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn shàngbān)?

When do you start and finish work?

(7)我明天九点来找你(wǒ míngtiān jiǔdiǎn lái zhǎonǐ)。

Tomorrow at nine o’clock I’ll come to meet you.

(8)请你今天晚上八点以后给我打电话(qǐng nǐ jīntiān wǎnshang bādiǎn yǐhou gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà)。

Please give me a telephone call after 8 p.m this evening.

(9)你等了多久了(nǐ děng le duōjiǔ le)?         

How long have you been waiting?

(10)我们在这儿学习一个月(wǒmen zài zhèr xuéxí yí gè yuè)。

We will study here for one month.

(11)火车几点开(huǒchē jǐdiǎn kāi)?           

What time dose the train leave?

(12)飞机什么时候起飞(fēijī shénme shíhòu qǐfēi)?

When dose the plane take off?

(13)明天几点到上海(míngtiān jǐdiǎn dào shànghǎi)?

What time will you arrive in Shanghai tomorrow?

(14)你们哪天回国(nǐmen nǎtiān huíguó)?

When will you return to your country?

(15)你打算什么时候再来(nǐ dǎsuan shénme shíhòu zài lái)?

When do you intend to come back?

7寄信和明信片(jì xìn hé míngxìnpiàn)

Sending Letters and Postcards

(1)我要寄一封信(wǒ yào jì yī fēng xìn)。I would like to send a letter.

(2)挂号信还是平信(guàhào xìn háishì píngxìn)?

Is it a registered or surface letter?

(3)寄到美国要多少钱(jì dào měiguó yào duōshǎo qián)?

How much does it cost to send it to America?

(4)买五张八毛的邮票(mǎi wǔ zhāng bāmáo de yóupiào)。

I want to buy five 8-mao stamps.

(5)寄一张明信片多少钱(jì yì zhāng míngxìnpiàn duōshǎoqián)?

How much dose it cost to send a postcard?

(6)到奥地利(dào àodìlì),不是澳大利亚(bú shìàodàlìyà)。

Please send it to Austria, not Australia.

(7)这儿能寄包裹吗(zhèr néng jì bāoguǒ ma)?       

Can I send parcels here?

(8)里面是礼物(lǐmiàn shì lǐwù)。        There are presents inside it.

(9)还用看吗(hái yòng kàn ma)?Do you still need to check it?

(10)打开看一下(dǎkāi kàn yíxià)。

Please open it and let me have a look.

(11)有好看的邮票吗(yǒu hǎokàn de yóupiàom a)?

Do you have any beautiful stamps?

(12)特快专递得多少钱(tè kuài zhuāndì děi duōshǎo qián)?

How much is it by express delivery?

(13)什么时候能到(shénme shíhòu néng dào)?    

When will it be delivered?

(14)给我一张包裹单(gěi wǒ yì zhāng bāoguǒ dān)。

Give me a parcel form, please.

(15)我们这儿的邮政编码是多少(wǒmen zhèr de yóuzhèng biānmǎ shìduōshǎo )?

What is the post code of this area?

8打电话(dǎ diànhuà)

Making Telephone Calls

(1)喂(wéi),找谁(zhǎo shuí)?Hello! Who are you looking for?

(2)请问(qǐng wèn),桑德拉(sāng dé lā zài ma)?

Excuse me, is Sandra there?

(3)她现在不在(tā xiànzài bùzài)。     She is not here right now.

(4)你打(nǐ dǎ)60437852。      Call the number 60437852.

(5)打错了(dǎ cuò le)。        You’ve got the wrong number.

(6)占线(zhàn xiàn)。                   The line is busy.

(7)没人接(méi rén jiē)。                   Nobody answered.

(8)大堂吗(dà táng ma)?请接912号房间(qǐng jiē jiǔ yāo èr hào fángjiān)。

Is that reception? Please put me through to Room 912.

(9)能转告他吗(néng zhuǎngào tā ma)?    

Can you take a message?

(10)可以留言吗(kěyǐ liúyán ma)?     Can I leave a message?

(11)请他给我回电话,号码是(qǐng tā gěi wǒ huí diànhuà,hàomǎshì)……

Ask him to call me back. My number is …

(12)请你过一会再打来(qǐng nǐ guò yìhuì zài dǎlái)。

Please call again in a few minutes.

(13)我听不见(wǒ tīng bù jiàn)。                I can’t hear you.

(14)请你大声点儿(qǐng nǐ dàshēng diǎnr)。     Louder, please.

(15)你可以打他的手机(nǐ kěyǐ dǎ tā de shǒujī)。

You may call him on his mobile phone. 

9 请求帮助 (qǐngqiú bāngzhù)

Asking for help

(1)对不起(duìbuqǐ),我要下车(wǒ yào xiàchē)。    

Excuse me, I want to get off.

(2)你能帮我一个忙吗(nǐ néng bāng wǒ yí gè máng ma)?

Can you do me a favor?

(3)麻烦你帮帮我吧(máfan nǐ bāngbāng wǒba)!    

Could you help me?

(4)你有什么事(nǐ yǒu shénme shì)?    What can I do for you?

(5)你怎么了(nǐ zěnme le)?               What’s the matter?

(6)请送我去医院(qǐng song wǒ qù yīyuàn)。        

Please take me to the hospital.

(7)请帮我打(qǐng bāng wǒ dǎ)110。Please call the police on 110.

(8)快叫警察(kuài jiào jǐngchá)!Call the police immediately!

(9)救命(jiù mìng)!                         Help!

(10)怎么办(zěnme bàn)?                   What can I do?

(11)我迷路了(wǒ mílùl e)。                     I’m lost.

(12)我的车票丢了(wǒ de chēpiào diūle)。         

I have lost may train/bus ticket.

(13)可以用一下你的电话吗(kěyǐ yòng yíxià nǐ de diànhuà ma)?

May I use your telephone?

(14)你真是太好了(nǐ zhēnshì tàihǎo le)。   That’s very kind of you.

(15)非常感谢(fēicháng gǎnxiè)!Thank you very much indeed!

10   告别(gàobié) 

Saying Goodbye

(1)时间过得真快(shíjiān guòdé zhēn kuài)。        Time dose fly.

(2)我们来跟您告别(wǒmen lái gēn nín gàobié)。

We have come to say goodbye to you.

(3)这是一个小礼物(zhè shì yí gè xiǎo lǐwù),请收下(qǐng shōuxià)。

This is a small gift, please accept it.

(4)希望你喜欢(xīwàng nǐ xǐhuan)。        Hope you like it.

(5)你给了我很多帮助(nǐ gěi le wǒ hěnduō bāngzhù)。 

You’ve given me a lot of help.

(6)感谢你为我们做的一切(gǎnxiè nǐ wèi wǒmen zuòde yíqiè)。

Thank you for everything you have done for us.

(7)希望以后还能再见面(xīwàng yǐhòu háinéng zài jiànmiàn)。

Hope we’ll see each again.

(8)希望能再来这儿学习(xīwàng néng zài lái zhèr xuéxí)。

I hope I can come here to study again.

(9)能给我您得联系地址吗(néng gěi wǒ nín de liánxì dìzhǐma)?

Could you give me your address?

(10)你有电子邮件地址吗(nǐ yǒu diànzǐ yóujiàn dìzhǐ ma)?

Do you have an e-mail address?

(11)你有机会来我国一定告诉我(nǐ yǒu jīhuì lái wǒguó yídìng gàosù wǒ)。

If you have a chance to come to my country, do let me know.

(12)请你一定给我写信(qǐng nǐ yídìng gěi wǒ xiěxìn)。

Please do write to me.

(13)我会想你的(wǒ huì xiǎng nǐ de)。             I’ll miss you.

(14)保持联系(bǎochí liánxì)。                   Keep in touch.

(15)友谊地久天长(yǒuyì dìjiǔtiāncháng)。        

May our friendship last forever.

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