“My dream is to be a scientist” in Chinese

Essay in Chinese






Měi gèrén dōu yǒu zìjǐ fēngfù duōcǎi de lǐxiǎng, yǒu de rén xiǎng dàng zuòjiā, yǒu de rén xiǎng dāng fēixíngyuán, hái yǒu de rén xiǎng dāng fāmíng jiā……ér wǒ de lǐxiǎng shì dāng yī míng kēxuéjiā.

Kēxuéjiā, yīgè duōme wěidà de zhíyè. Ài yīn sītǎn, niúdùn, jiālìlüè, ā jī mǐ dé, xiǎng zhèyàng de kēxuéjiā, nǎ yīgè duì rénlèi de jìnbù méiyǒu gòngxiàn, wǒ shífēn pèifú tāmen. Suǒyǐ, wǒ xiǎng dāng yī míng xiàng tāmen nàyàng wěidà de kēxuéjiā.

Wǒ zhīdào xiǎng dāng yī míng kēxuéjiā bù róngyì, xiǎng dāng yī míng wěidà de kēxuéjiā gèng bù róngyì, dàn wǒ jiùshì yào shíxiàn zhège lǐxiǎng. Wèile shíxiàn zhège lǐxiǎng, wǒ yǐjīng zuòle xiē nǔlì: Kàn liǎo bù shǎo yǒuguān kēxué shíyàn de shū; zuòle yīxiē shíyàn. Jīnhòu, wǒ hái yào zuò gèng duō de nǔlì, shǒuxiān yào bǐ yǐqián gèngjiā nǔlì dì xuéxí, hái yào rènzhēn duìdài měi yī mén kè, yīnwèi zhǐyǒu jiānshí de zhīshì jīchǔ, cáinéng zuò chū jùdà gòngxiàn, cáinéng shíxiàn dāng kēxuéjiā zhège lǐxiǎng. Xiànzài, wǒ jīngcháng huì xiǎngxiàng wǒ dāng shàng kēxuéjiā de shíhòu: Wǒ zài bù mǎn liángbēi, shāopíng hé shíyàn qìcái de shíyàn shì lǐ jùjīnghuìshén de zuò zhuó shíyàn, kèfúle zhǒngzhǒng kùnnán, shíyàn zhōngyú chénggōngle……

lǐxiǎng shì rénshēng dǎoháng de dēngtǎ, yǒule lǐxiǎng, wǒmen cái huì yǒu fèndòu de mùbiāo, ràng wǒmen yīqǐ xiàngzhe wǒmen de lǐxiǎng nǔlì fèndòu ba!

Translation of the essay into English

(translate english text google translate)

My ideal is to be a painter.

I started learning painting when I was four years old. At first, I was a child painting in kindergarten. Later, as my painting level continued to improve, I moved to a better painting teacher. There, I I study for three years. In the painting class, when I was seven years old, my work “Cai Lian” won the second prize of the National Children’s Painting Competition and was awarded an honorary certificate. In October last year, I began to learn sketching with Teacher Liu. He often told us to appreciate more celebrity paintings, draw on the advantages of others’ paintings, and promote the progress of my painting skills.

Under the guidance of Teacher Liu, I began to appreciate some celebrity calligraphy and painting. The painter I admire most is Xu Beihong, Xu Beihong is an outstanding modern painter and art educator in my country. He loves art and the motherland. He has left thousands of excellent works for the people in his life. He is a generation master in the history of Chinese art. I like one of his famous paintings-“Eight Horses”. This painting gives people a symbol of freedom and strength and inspires people to be positive.

I believe that as long as I work hard, I can become an outstanding painter!

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