Best Chinese Dramas: TOP 18+

Interested in a drama? Want to find the most interesting dramas? The “Best Chinese Dramas” article will help you learn more. We read and enjoy.

Drama (from the English drama) is an Asian television series. Drama is a Japanese word. Previously, the drama was associated only with Japan. Later, this word was used to refer to all TV series from China, South Korea, Japan or Taiwan.

The best Chinese dramas have multiple seasons and new releases every year. They are shown on television, but you can also watch them online. At the same time, dramas filmed in China unite millions of fans around the world. The genres of such works of cinematic art are the most versatile. The most popular dramas are:

  • About love, romantic relationships;
  • Historical;
  • On a military theme;
  • Comedy and others.

The number of such Chinese TV series is constantly increasing, and the ratings are breaking records not only in the Middle Kingdom, but also far beyond its borders.

Chinese Dramas
Best Chinese Dramas


  • Chinese Dramas: Best 2015-2020 Review
  • Best Chinese dramas – a cultural phenomenon in China
  • Dramas from China: Hot Twenty
  • Chinese dramas about love
  • “Eternity is between us. Snow girl, 2017 “
  • “My girlfriend is a killer, 2018”
  • “My boss wants to marry me, 2019”
  • “Eternal love, 2017”
  • “Cloud School, 2020”
  • “To my dear myself, 2020”
  • “The world owes me my first love, 2019”
  • Choking Sweetness, Frosty Ash, 2018
  • “A light smile conquers the world, 2016”
  • Think Before You Marry, 2015
  • Best Chinese School Drama
  • Rise of the Phoenixes 2018
  • “In search of a soul, 2016”
  • “Long Zhi, you’re finished, 2017”
  • “Closer to you, 2020”
  • “Jump into the water, 2019”
  • “Your Highness, Headman, 2019”
  • Big Boss 2017
  • “The Big School Bang 2020”
  • “Obsessed with a Dream, 2011” (South Korea)
  • “High School: Time for Love, 2014”
  • Best Chinese Dramas: Why Choose Them?
  • Summarize

Chinese Dramas: Best 2015-2020 Review

Here we take a look at the best Chinese love and school dramas. The two most popular destinations. There is a nice bonus in the end! So let’s go 我们 开始 吧!

Chinese dramas about love:

  • “Eternity is between us. Snow girl, 2017 »我 与 你 的 光年 距离
  • “My girlfriend is a killer, 2018” 朕 的 刺客 女友
  • “My boss wants to marry me, 2019” 奈何 要 Boss 娶 我
  • “Eternal Love, 2017” 坦诚 夫妇
  • “Cloud School 2020” 漂亮 书生
  • “To my dear myself, 2020” 初恋 了 那么 多年
  • “The world owes me my first love, 2019” 世界 欠 我 一个 初恋
  • Choking Sweetness, Frosty Ash, 2018 香 蜜 沉沉 烬 如霜
  • “A light smile conquers the world, 2016” 微微 一笑 很 倾城
  • Think Before You Marry 2015 想 明白 了 , 再 结婚

Best Chinese School Drama:

  • Phoenix Rising 2018 凰 权 弈 天下
  • “In Search of the Soul, 2016” 超 少年 密码
  • “Long Zhi, you’re finished, 2017” 龙 日 一 , 你 死 定 了
  • “Jump into the water, 2019” 扑通 扑通 的 青春
  • “Your Highness, Headman, 2019” 总裁 在 上 , 我 在下
  • “Big Boss 2017” 班长 大人
  • “The Big School Bang 2020” 我 成了 他 的 班主任
  • “Closer to you, 2020” 我 的 刺猬 女孩

Best Chinese dramas – a cultural phenomenon in China

In recent years, Asian culture has become more popular overseas. At first, the dramas were only of Japanese production, but China, according to the usual scheme, decided to “borrow” such a cinematic direction, and began to shoot its own series. Chinese directors have grown to such an extent that dramas have become associated with Chinese actors and stories. Such serials demonstrate not only the way of life that is customary for the PRC, but also the relationships, meetings, disappointments and experiences characteristic of the Chinese.

Dramas from China: Hot Twenty

The best Chinese dramas are a world of their own, where characters have great opportunities, including fantasy ones. Actors, as for selection – with an ideal appearance, even if the hero is a notorious bastard. Directors mostly rely on mystical and historical plots, but series about love and relationships have always occupied a special place.

Chinese dramas about love

Chinese love dramas are full of young, attractive actors who are popular with audiences. It can not be in any other way. China gives the world high quality TV series, with a well-thought-out storyline, “juicy” shots, and interesting dialogues. The theme of love and romance usually has a happy ending. But sometimes, the screens show real drama and the style of “Romeo and Juliet” …

“Eternity is between us. Snow girl, 2017 “


Chinese Drama “Eternity Between Us. Snow girl, 2017 »我 与 你 的 光年 距离

“Eternity is between us. Snow girl, 2017 »我 与 你 的 光年 距离
A beautiful story that opens the door to a mysterious other world where people do not die. But can we be happy about this? Intrigue and interweaving of destinies await you here. Over 1000 years ago there was an attractive girl named Xue Ji. The man she loved went to another. Will the heroine be able to meet her love? So, fate gave her this opportunity by introducing the beauty to a guy named Gu Shi Yi.

“My girlfriend is a killer, 2018”

Chinese Drama “My Girlfriend is a Killer 2018” 朕 的 刺客 女友

Bai Yin Qi is a wise and lovable king who likes Yu Yan’s girlfriend, who wants to kill him. Such assassination attempts occur regularly, but due to the fact that the king constantly falls in love with a beautiful lady, he does not execute her, but lets her go. The relationship of the protagonist changes after they had to meet in the future, thanks to the ruler’s unusual watch.

“My boss wants to marry me, 2019”

Chinese Drama “My Boss Wants to Marry Me, 2019” 奈何 要 Boss 娶 我

The main storyline of the drama revolves around a girl named Charlene who wants to become an actress. However, after undergoing a medical examination, she is diagnosed with leukemia. To recover, the heroine needs a bone marrow transplant, but finding a donor is very difficult. The girl was lucky, and such a person was found, but he does not want to help for free.

Charlene was able to find out what kind of person could become a donor – it turned out to be the director of one of the largest Chinese companies, Mr. Lin. The heroine managed to meet with this man, but he refuses to do charity work. The girl began to literally stalk Lin, asking for help. The man agreed, but made a condition that he would help if the heroine marries him …

“Eternal love, 2017”

Chinese Drama “Eternal Love 2017” 坦诚 夫妇

The series is considered to be the most popular on Chinese television. This is a novel that has been going on for thousands of years. Here love is shown, enduring the tests of many lifetimes in a row. Several hundred years ago, the fox spirit fell in love with the prince – the heir to heaven. However, there are many difficulties on their way before they again manage to meet each other.

“Cloud School, 2020”

Chinese Drama “Cloud School 2020” 漂亮 书生

The plot takes place around a girl named Wen Xi. She works hard to make her family have a little more money, which is why she even has to wear men’s clothes. And one day she happened to meet the son of the governor named Feng Cheng Jun, who managed to notice the talent of a young girl. He helps her enroll in Yunshan Boys’ School, which trains future officials. Here adventure awaits them.

“To my dear myself, 2020”

“To my dear myself, 2020” 初恋 了 那么 多年

2020 Chinese dramas have been updated with this love series. It tells about three girls and how they build relationships in the family, at work, and the love front. Moreover, young women appear before us in different situations, solving problems that they will have to face. Some of them have a lover, while others are just trying to find their happiness. Having gone through life’s trials, the heroes understand that it is better to listen to the voice of their own hearts and be kinder to those close to them. Because only they will understand themselves – they can become better!

“The world owes me my first love, 2019”

“The world owes me my first love, 2019” 世界 欠 我 一个 初恋

A romantic comedy based on the novel. Xia Ke is the owner of a company in the games industry, who is approached by an attractive girl Xing Yun. The series portrays the dreams and daily struggles of young people. So, against the background of this, the relationship between the boss and the subordinate is developing. The characters get along well with each other, so the viewer can enjoy an amazing love atmosphere.

Choking Sweetness, Frosty Ash, 2018

Choking Sweetness, Frosty Ash, 2018 香 蜜 沉沉 烬 如霜

A fantasy drama. The plot is built on love, friendship for the family, as well as romantic relationships. The main characters Xu Feng and Jin Mi, communicate well and interact with each other, but on their way there are many obstacles that prevent the development of the couple’s romantic relationship. The series is filled with unusual computer graphics, as well as active scenes that attract thousands of viewers from all over the world.

“A light smile conquers the world, 2016”

“A light smile conquers the world, 2016” 微微 一笑 很 倾城

A gentle story about a wealthy young man and a girl from a poor family. The drama has a non-standard storyline. The main character is a successful, financially independent computer game developer applying for a high position in a large company. A simple guy who knows what he wants out of life. And somehow our hero met an attractive girl Bei Wei Wei, but did not pay attention to it, noticing that this lady masterly works on the keyboard with her fingers. Xiao Nai immediately figured out her nickname in the game and devised a tactic to win the lady’s heart.

Think Before You Marry, 2015

Think Before You Marry 2015 想 明白 了 , 再 结婚

The main role is played by the girl Yu Xiao Yu, who came from a business trip and saw that not a lover, but a stranger, lived in the apartment. It turned out that he was renting a room and had never seen her boyfriend. Yu Xiao Yu could not get through to her beloved, but the situation is aggravated by the fact that her mother must come to meet the groom. In order not to disappoint the woman, the heroine asks an unexpected neighbor to pretend to be her boyfriend. And it worked! Both heroes have difficulties in their personal lives, while they live under the same roof. The viewer will have to find out what will come of it.

For many, school time is associated with the best memories of youth – friendship, first relationships with the opposite sex, dreams, ups and downs. All of this influenced who we are now. But some remember school years as the worst time when they had to wake up early, study home, go to class. Chinese dramas about school are a reflection of reality, where the relationship between teenagers, their experiences, hobbies, etc. are revealed.

Rise of the Phoenixes 2018

Phoenix Rising 2018 凰 权 弈 天下

The series captures with spectacular characters and “juicy” pictures. The high quality was achieved thanks to the fact that the filming was done by Netflix. Rise of the Phoenixes is a historical novel where you will not find a single historical fact. The main storyline takes place about an illegitimate girl in one of the Chinese families. She was unjustly accused of a crime she did not commit. And in order not to lose her life, she needs to dress like a man, entering an elite educational institution.

“In search of a soul, 2016”

“In Search of the Soul, 2016” 超 少年 密码

70 years ago, in one of the scientific journals, an article by a scientist was published, where a hypothesis was put forward about whether an electronic machine has the ability to think at the human level. To test this assumption, even a special test was developed, named after the name of the scientist – Alain Turing. In the center of the plot of the drama, three schoolchildren and an artificial intelligence called AI. Teenagers conduct various experiments in order to find a robot with artificial intelligence among friends. Incredible adventures await three friends along the way!

“Long Zhi, you’re finished, 2017”

“Long Zhi, you’re finished, 2017” 龙 日 一 , 你 死 定 了

A drama about an elite school where a strange pair of teenagers study. They hate each other, being opposites, but they work together – and this is forced.

Long Zhi is a teenager from a wealthy family, for whom girls at school “dry up”. But despite such popularity, no one is going to start a relationship with him. The reason is the unsatisfactory behavior of the student. This bully does not leave either the students or the teachers alone. But having met with an excellent student, the life of a young man changes dramatically.

On the very first day, a conflict occurred between the young people. After that, they constantly argued and cursed. There was no end to such skirmishes! The guy had no doubt that he would never meet with such a girl, and would not even be friends.

But feelings of hatred began to turn into affection. The teenagers saw each other every day, talked, scandals became less. The heroes began to change, the girl began to behave more openly, and the guy pulled himself up in his studies, practically without conflict with peers and teachers. But how will relations between teenagers be built and where will this lead?

“Closer to you, 2020”

(no photo)

“Closer to you, 2020” 我 的 刺猬 女孩

In the center of the plot is the surgeon Jing Hao, who works in one of the Chinese hospitals. This is a young, handsome doctor, whose past keeps many secrets. And then he has a chance to study in high school, returning there to change his character and outlook on life.

The young man sets a goal – to get rid of his inherent cowardice and change what he greatly regrets. Once, a classmate Han Fei helped our hero, and he began to watch her. But the girl was secretive and did not let anyone near her. Our hero learns that due to an accident, Han Fei lay in a coma and blamed only herself for what had happened. The surgeon undertakes to help a classmate, overcome psychological problems …

“Jump into the water, 2019”

“Jump into the water, 2019” 扑通 扑通 的 青春

A drama about school and love. The plot revolves around Yu Feng, a coach who wants to keep the diving club, but for this it is necessary to assemble a team. The woman understands that it is important to have talented guys in the team – then the club will not be closed. However, all good athletes are already performing somewhere. But fate presents the coach with four capable students, and Yu Feng believed in these guys! But is that enough to keep the athletes in your club?

“Your Highness, Headman, 2019”

“Your Highness, Headman, 2019” 总裁 在 上 , 我 在下

Su Nian Nian studies diligently, tries in everything. The girl wants to enter a prestigious educational institution in order to build a career as a specialist. But fate has other plans – on the way to pass exams at the university, she gets into an accident. The culprit is the rich guy Zi Chen, who is also arrogant to everything.

She did not succeed in entering the desired educational institution, so the girl went to an unknown university, where she met with the same major that caused her failures. At first, young people hate each other, but later it develops into a relationship. They are young, beautiful, happy with their students, but is everything really so smooth?

Big Boss 2017

“Big Boss 2017” 班长 大人

Chinese comedy series, which tells about the life of ordinary school students. In the main role, the girl Ye Mu Qi, who cannot boast of good studies, but managed to become the head of the class. The competitor for this “position” was the unsurpassed in all Liao Dan Yi, with whom the girl had hostile relations even from the time when they went to kindergarten. The responsibility that went to our heroine is incredibly serious. She had no idea what she would have to face. And then the eternal rival becomes her assistant. But later, the girl ceases to perceive Tribute Yi as an enemy and realizes that she has fallen in love with him.

“The Big School Bang 2020”

“The Big School Bang 2020” 我 成了 他 的 班主任

The storyline of the drama revolves around the girl Mo Mo. This is an extraordinary personality with a strong-willed character. The heroine begins to work as a school math teacher, teaching in high school, and problems immediately appear. The girl even wanted to go to work in another school, but by chance in the corridor she met Feng Bai – her first love and changed her mind.

In order to continue working, Mo Mo became the 11th grade homeroom teacher by making the management a condition that her students would not be kicked out of school for unsatisfactory behavior. But if this happens, then she herself will have to quit. As promised, there is a nice bonus at the end: two dramas from South Korea. The influence of contemporary art in South Korea and Japan on China is great. But, China very quickly learns from all countries of the West and East, adopting only the best. The Chinese naturally adapt new knowledge to their traditions and culture. So let’s move on to two Korean dramas.

“Obsessed with a Dream, 2011” (South Korea)

A drama about the lives of students who want fame. The action takes place in one of the prestigious Chinese art schools. And the plot develops around six main characters:

  • Ko Hye Mi is a girl who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, who once wanted to study in the best educational institutions in the world. But due to the deteriorating financial well-being of her father, there was no other choice but to stay in China.
  • Yoon Baek Hee is one of Hye Mi’s loyal fans and is always by her side. But because of a quarrel that happened at one of the exams, the girls become the main enemies, each of whom sees a competitor in each other.
  • Son Sam Don is an ordinary guy who has lived in the village all his life. His weakness is falling in love with Ko Hye Mi, which is why he decided to study in the same institution as the coveted girl. But this allowed the guy to discover his musical talent.
  • Jin Guk is a promising dancer who was offered to study at the Graduate School of Arts by the director himself! The guy wants to become a world famous.
  • Jason is a student from another country who is in love with dancing and has successfully passed exams at a prestigious educational institution in China.
  • Kim Phil Suk is a talented girl with a sophisticated voice that amazes many …

“High School: Time for Love, 2014”

Shin Woo Hyun is in high school. He has a good academic record, he has something to talk about, is popular with girls. But that only gave the guy problems. When the agitated mother of a classmate somehow came to their class and told him to stop communicating with her daughter, because because of him the girl almost committed suicide. From that day on, a love story began, worthy of all praise.

Best Chinese Dramas: Why Choose Them?

Chinese dramas are popular all over the world for the following reasons:

  • Emotionality. Moreover, the plots are thought out in such a way that the audience will worry about their favorite characters and their relationships.
  • Thoughtfulness of the plot. After watching the dramas, it becomes clear what the creators wanted to convey to the viewer.
  • Lack of immorality. In such TV series, you almost never see bed scenes or cruelty.
  • Different genres. The best Chinese dramas are about love stories, success, tragedies, and relationships between employees and ordinary people.
  • Famous actors. Often in such series you can admire the play of popular singers, athletes and other famous personalities.


If you love Chinese dramas, then in our TOP you will definitely find something for yourself. We have compiled a selection of the best Chinese TV series. Some of them are based on novels, hence there is even more interest in them from those who read the book. Moreover, the outcomes of individual dramas are unpredictable. Accordingly, therefore, it is impossible to predict what awaits at the end of the last episode. And sometimes passions boil no worse than in Mexican TV shows!

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