Audiobook “Robinson Crusoe” in Chinese (鲁滨逊 漂流 记)

It is difficult to imagine a more “family” writer, known from an early age as a writer for family reading, than Daniel Defoe, the creator of the legendary Robinson Crusoe! Grandchildren and great-grandchildren of today’s reader will watch the indefatigable islander with the same excitement (storm, savage cannibals, pirates – it’s breathtaking! ..), curiosity and even tenderness – very cozy, peaceful life in a tent, and then in a hut, with home-made furniture and utensils, surrounded by pets – dogs, cats, parrots … Robinson himself milk goats, plant trees, grow and bake bread. “Whatever work he talks about in this book, he talks about it so interestingly that it starts to seem to each of us as if we ourselves are participating in it” (K. Chukovsky).

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