“My dream is to be an artist” in Chinese

Essay in Chinese


我从四岁时便开始学习画画,刚开始是在幼儿园学习的儿童画,后来,随着我画画水平的不断提高, 所以我转到了更好的画画老师那里,在那里,我一学就是三年,在画画班里,七岁那年,我的作品《采莲》获得国家儿童绘画大赛二等奖,并颁发了荣誉证书。去年十月份,我开始跟刘老师学习素描,他经常告诉我们要多欣赏名人的画,从别人的画里吸取优点,促使自己的画技进步。




Wǒ de lǐxiǎng shì dāng yī mínghuàjiā.

Wǒ cóng sì suì shí biàn kāishǐ xuéxí huà huà, gāng kāishǐ shì zài yòu’éryuán xuéxí de értóng huà, hòulái, suízhe wǒ huà huà shuǐpíng de bùduàn tígāo, suǒyǐ wǒ zhuǎn dàole gèng hǎo de huà huà lǎoshī nàlǐ, zài nàlǐ, wǒ yī xué jiùshì sān nián, zài huà huà bān lǐ, qī suì nà nián, wǒ de zuòpǐn “cǎi lián” huòdé guójiā er tóng huìhuà dàsài èr děng jiǎng, bìng bānfāle róngyù zhèngshū. Qùnián shí yuèfèn, wǒ kāishǐ gēn liú lǎoshī xuéxí sùmiáo, tā jīngcháng gàosù wǒmen yào duō xīnshǎng míngrén de huà, cóng biérén de huà lǐ xīqǔ yōudiǎn, cùshǐ zìjǐ de huà jì jìnbù.

Zài liú lǎoshī de yǐndǎo xià, wǒ kāishǐ xīnshǎng yīxiē míngrén zìhuà. Wǒ zuì chóngbài de huàjiā shì xúbēihóng, xúbēihóng shì wǒguó xiàndài jiéchū de huàjiā hé měishù jiàoyù jiā. Tā rè’ài yìshù, rè’ài zǔguó, yīshēng zhōng jǐ rénmín liú xiàle jǐ qiān fú yōuxiù zuòpǐn, shì zhōngguó měishù shǐshàng de yīdài zōngshī. Wǒ zuì xǐhuān tā de míng huà zhī yī——“bā jùn tú”. Zhè fú huà jǐ rénmen zìyóu hé lìliàng de xiàngzhēng, gǔwǔ rénmen jījí xiàngshàng.

Wǒ xiāngxìn zhǐyào zìjǐ nǔlì, yīdìng néng chéngwéi yī míng chūsè de huàjiā!

Translation of the essay into English

(translate english text google translate)

My ideal is to be a painter.

I started to learn painting when I was four years old. At first, I was a child painting in kindergarten. Later, as my painting level continued to improve, I moved to a better painting teacher. There, I learned It was three years. In the painting class, when I was seven years old, my work “Cai Lian” won the second prize of the National Children’s Painting Competition and was awarded an honorary certificate. In October of last year, I started to learn sketching with Mr. Liu. He often told us to appreciate more celebrity paintings, draw advantages from others’ paintings, and promote the progress of my painting skills.

Under the guidance of Teacher Liu, I am my most celebrity calligraphy and painting. The painting I admire the most is the painting technique. It is a generation of masters in the history of Chinese fine arts that leaves outstanding works to the people throughout their lives. I like one of his most famous paintings-“Eight Horses”. This picture gives people a symbol of freedom and harmony, and encourages people to be positive. .

I believe that as long as I work hard, I will definitely become an outstanding painter!

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