“My dream is to be an entrepreneur” in Chinese

Essay in Chinese

我的理想有很多很多,就像天上的星星,数也数不清。有知识渊博的老师;头头是道的科学家;奇思妙想的作家…….其中最大最亮的那颗,也就是我梦寐以求的职业,那就是企业家。 假如我是一名企业家,我会绞尽脑汁,为国家出出主意,让自己的国家赚很多很多的钱,从此摆脱掉那些令人困恼的金融危机,造福国家,造福百姓。我还会把一些钱交给亲戚和父母,让他们补贴家用,从此以后过上幸福快乐的日子。 假如我是一名企业家,我会把钱捐给贫困山区的孩子,让他们都有好日子过。

让他们脏兮兮的脸上,露出灿烂的笑容。让他们背上书包,拿起课本,圆了他们的读书梦。 以前,我看过一本名叫《企业家的故事》这本书,里面记述了许多企业家的故事。我完全陶醉了,看得津津有味,因此企业家的理想就此诞生。



Wǒ de lǐxiǎng yǒu hěnduō hěnduō, jiù xiàng tiānshàng de xīngxīng, shù yě shǔ bù qīng. Yǒu zhīshì yuānbó de lǎoshī; tóutóushìdào de kēxuéjiā; qí sī miào xiǎng de zuòjiā……. Qízhōng zuìdà zuì liàng dì nà kē, yě jiùshì wǒ mèngmèiyǐqiú de zhíyè, nà jiùshì qǐyè jiā. Jiǎrú wǒ shì yī míng qǐyè jiā, wǒ huì jiǎo jǐn nǎozhī, wèi guójiā chū chū zhǔyì, ràng zìjǐ de guójiā zhuàn hěnduō hěnduō de qián, cóngcǐ bǎituō diào nàxiē lìng rén kùn nǎo de jīnróng wéijī, zàofú guójiā, zàofú bǎixìng. Wǒ hái huì bǎ yīxiē qián jiāo gěi qīnqī hé fùmǔ, ràng tāmen bǔtiē jiāyòng, cóngcǐ yǐhòuguò shàng xìngfú kuàilè de rìzi. Jiǎrú wǒ shì yī míng qǐyè jiā, wǒ huì bǎ qián juān gěi pínkùn shānqū de háizi, ràng tāmen dōu yǒu hǎo rìziguò.

Ràng tāmen zāng xī xī de liǎn shàng, lùchū cànlàn de xiàoróng. Ràng tāmen bèi shàng shūbāo, ná qǐ kèběn, yuánle tāmen de dúshū mèng. Yǐqián, wǒ kànguò yī běnmíng jiào “qǐyè jiā de gùshì” zhè běn shū, lǐmiàn jìshùle xǔduō qǐyè jiā de gùshì. Wǒ wánquán táozuìle, kàn dé jīnjīnyǒuwèi, yīncǐ qǐyè jiā de lǐxiǎng jiùcǐ dànshēng.

Qǐyè jiā bǐ’ěr-gài cí shuōguò: Chéngwéi qǐyè jiā hěn jiǎndān, zhǐyào rènzhēn jiùxíng. Àidíshēng yě shuōguò: Tiāncái děngyú bǎi fēn zhī èr de línggǎn jiā bǎi fēn zhī jiǔshíbā de hànshuǐ. Wǒ yīdìng yào rènzhēn xuéxí, shíxiàn wǒ de lǐxiǎng, zuò yīgè duì shèhuì yǒuyòng de rén!

Translation of the essay into English

(translate english text google translate)

My ideals are many, like the stars in the sky. A knowledgeable teacher; a scientist with a head in mind; a writer of whimsy… The biggest and brightest of them is the career I dream of, that is entrepreneurs. If I were an entrepreneur, I would rack my brains and make ideas for the country to make my country make a lot of money, and then get rid of those troublesome financial crises, benefit the country and benefit the people. I will also give some money to relatives and parents, let them subsidize the family, and live happily ever after. If I were an entrepreneur, I would donate the money to the children in the impoverished mountain area, so that they all have a good life.

Let their dirty faces show a big smile. Let them carry their schoolbags and pick up the textbooks, and fulfill their dream of reading. In the past, I have read a book called “The Story of Entrepreneurs”, which tells the stories of many entrepreneurs. I was completely intoxicated and looked at it with relish, so the ideal of the entrepreneur was born.

Entrepreneur Bill Gates said: Becoming an entrepreneur is easy, just be serious. Edison also said: Genius equals 2% inspiration and 98% sweat. I must study hard, realize my ideals, and be a useful person to the society!

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